University Center, a renowned healthcare facility, is committed to providing compassionate and comprehensive hospice care services to patients and their families.

Hospice care focuses on enhancing the quality of life for individuals facing advanced illnesses and ensuring their physical, emotional, and spiritual needs are met.

Here are four key benefits of hospice care offered by University Center:

Comfort and Symptom Management: Hospice care at University Center prioritizes the comfort and well-being of patients. A team of skilled healthcare professionals, including doctors, nurses, and pain management specialists, work together to manage symptoms effectively, control pain, and provide comfort measures tailored to the individual’s needs.

Emotional and Psychological Support: University Center recognizes the emotional challenges patients and their families face during this difficult time. Hospice care offers specialized counseling and emotional support services to address anxiety, grief, and other psychological concerns. Social workers and chaplains provide compassionate guidance and spiritual care, ensuring holistic support.

Enhanced Communication and Decision-Making: Hospice care encourages open and honest communication between patients, families, and the care team. University Center’s hospice care professionals facilitate discussions about treatment options, end-of-life decisions, and care goals, empowering patients and families to make informed choices.

Bereavement Support: University Center extends its support beyond the patient’s passing, providing bereavement services for family members. The hospice care team offers counseling, support groups, and resources to help loved ones navigate the grieving process, fostering healing and emotional well-being.

To learn more about University Center, visit or call 718.295.1400