When we exercise, our body uses stored energy that must be replenished by way of electrolytes. The most common way people do this is by consuming sports drinks or energy bars, which provide the needed electrolytes but are also packed with sugar.

Fortunately, there are more natural options to get these needed electrolytes into your system. University Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing has a look at four foods or nutrients that can replenish your body in a healthier way.

  1. Sodium

Sodium is a key ingredient in energy drinks because your body loses so much through sweat while exercising. A glass of chocolate milk, crackers, or a bagel with peanut butter are good post-workout snacks, or you could even have a bowl of soup a few hours prior to a workout to build up your sodium levels.

  1. Chloride

Table salt is made of sodium and chloride, which helps maintain blood pressure and body fluid pH levels. Instead of salty snacks, however, opt for olives, tomatoes, crackers, a slice of bread, or celery to help replenish this nutrient in your system.

  1. Potassium

Potassium supports heart health as well as muscle contraction, which is needed after a good workout. That makes a simple banana a great post-exercise snack. You could also opt for other fruits (fresh or dried) like oranges, raisins, or melons. If it’s close to mealtime, a salad or bowl with leafy greens (spinach or kale), peas, beans, avocado, and baked sweet potato will do your recovering body wonders.

  1. Magnesium

Being low on magnesium will make you tire quickly during a workout and affect your muscles and nervous system afterward. This is a key ingredient in Epsom salt, which is supposed to soothe sore muscles and calm the nervous system. You can also snack on almonds, leafy green vegetables, peanut butter, and whole grains to get your magnesium fix.

To learn more about University Center for Rehabilitation and Nursing and all of the services they offer, visit http://university-center.facilities.centershealthcare.org/.